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Vacuuming seems like a very simple task. But are you sure that you are doing it correctly? You probably aren’t.

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You are probably reading this and thinking, “Of course I know how to vacuum.” After all, how hard is vacuuming. You turn your vacuum on and move it around the room. Simple, right? Well if you want to vacuum efficiently, it isn’t quite that easy. This article will tell you how to vacuum your carpet properly so that you remove the maximum amount of soil.
Improper Vacuuming
Before I tell you how to vacuum, I will tell you how not to vacuum. Most people vacuum in a W pattern. They move the vacuum forward and then back at an angle. The problem with this is that your vacuum does not vacuum well on the forward pass. It is much more efficient on the backwards stroke. So the typical W pattern of vacuuming only exposes about half of the carpet to the more effective backwards stroke.
Another common vacuuming mistake is rushing through it. When you go too quickly over your carpet, you are missing much of the soil that could be removed. Slow down and get the job done right.
Proper Vacuuming
To vacuum correctly, first take your vacuum out and examine it. Check to make sure that belts are tight, that hoses are not plugged and that your vacuum bag is not full. Replace your vacuums bag when it becomes half full. After your bag becomes half full, it starts rapidly losing suction power. Always keep spare bags on hand.
Now, plug your vacuum in and set the height adjustment. If you set it too low, the brush will not turn correctly and if you set it too high, the brush will do nothing. Set the height so that the vacuums brush just barely touches the top of your carpet fibers.
Finally, you are ready to vacuum. Turn your vacuum on and push the vacuum forward into position and then pull the vacuum straight back. Repeat this process over the entire room. The forward stroke is not used to vacuum, it is used only to position your vacuum. You want to expose all of the carpet to the much more effective backwards cleaning stroke. Also remember this is not a race. Go slowly so that you give the vacuum time to suck up debris and soil.
Vacuuming is the single most important thing you can do to protect your carpeting and to improve the indoor air quality of your home. By taking your time and by doing it correctly, you will greatly extend the life of your carpet and will probably find that you do not need to vacuum as often.